Friday, July 31, 2015

Fear and Loathing in VaginaLand

Feminist self loathing | Dalrock:

A far more thoughtful reflection than the occasional mind-flashes I have about feminist women fundamentally envying and resenting men and hating the vulnerability of femaleness.

'via Blog this'

1 comment:

-A said...

Holy shit, I have read that relatively recently and I just never really expect you to know about all of the other blogs that I read. I feel I can trust you in a way as if I ran into a White English speaker in China. (Because I would never go anywhere else brown and I am fairly certain that even thinking about such a foray would lead to unpleasant thoughts I do not care to entertain)

P.S: I am watching Downton Abbey on my downtime (I call it my Downton Time) and it is really quite good. Allen Leech is a bit a fellow I can see you thinking a bit young but, he is very pleasant to look at. He plays the socialist chauffer. I am not at season three yet so no spoilers. I see why it is one of such few shows that you can stand. It isn't preachy or anything. I was shocked that they had that kind of "oh shit" moment for Bronson when he realized that the Czar was indeed shot. And his girls. Did it change his mind? Why no, of course not but, there seems to be some attempt at being reasonable to the differences of the era even if the writing suspiciously seems to make everything turn out well in the end by pure luck and whatnot. I suppose the Countess of Carnarvon' involvement in the set design might have something to do with it. They might have been much more preachy in the long run if they did not depend on her for Highclere Castle.

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