Friday, May 03, 2013

Other lives

Someone asked me a few years ago what three changes in myself I would ask for if I had my life to live over again.

Now I am not one of those blessed folks who Have No Regrets. So I gave it some serious thought. And I came up with three things: I would be more extraverted and much more drawn to action and accomplishment, I would be a natural athlete, and I would fairly early find a single life-long work and career that both gave me satisfaction and provided me with financial security.

Not very spiritual. And all designed to counter-balance my actual self to make me much more at home in the world than I have been.



Anonymous said...

I think all guys wish they were more athletic or fit, but I take the position that if you changed anything about yourself, you would not be _you_. Your experiences define you just as much as your genes.


OreamnosAmericanus said...

Some things I could imagine changing and still recognizing myself, although improved. The three things I mention are things I have experienced of myself, but not consistently, so I could still be me and make these changes.

There are other changes, though, where I think to myself that I would be someone else entirely .

GlassHalfFull said...

You're such a good speller.

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