Saturday, May 18, 2013

Patient Nation

CDC finds mental health woes in one in five U.S. kids - CBS News:

All your diagnoses are belong to us.

[In typical ExC fashion, I note that the stock photo used to represent US children is not inclusive. There is one racial group which we are obsessively required to include that in this case, because it would meaning being included in a bad thing, is absent... How considerate we are.]

'via Blog this'


Anonymous said...

ADHD "diagnoses" make up the majority of this increase. Unethical psychiatrists, bad parents, and badly behaved children. Representative of the state of things, really: professionals and leaders who abuse people's trust to help themselves, people who have no business having and raising kids doing it anyways, and children who think they can say whatever the hell they want to because they're special.


OreamnosAmericanus said...

When I worked for 2 years in middle schools in SF, I came to see ADHD as a diagnosis of SWM, Studying While Male. The school system, primary especially, is utterly dominated by females and a post-feminist female ethos. Boys are, by definition, pathological.

As are all males in our bizarre society.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the ADHD situation in SF is a little different from rural Pennsylvania, but around here, a lot of ADHD diagnoses are spoiled rotten kids who never matured from toddlers. Kids who refuse to listen, do whatever they please. So instead of owning up to the fact that they are incompetent or trying to correct the kid, the parents get a psychiatrist to fill out a prescription and sedate the kid so that they eliminate the headache and transfer the blame for the kid's behavior from their own failing to the kid.

Either way, it's an attempt to lessen one's personal responsibility or control something with a minimum of effort. I would say that's paving the way for an idiocracy, but who am I kidding? It's already here.


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