Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Huh? Huh?

Asia Times Online :: Snaking the Scotch:

Spengler, who is actually Reb David Goldman, begins his article with this ironic sentence:
Ethnocentrism is the snake in Christianity's garden. 

In this highly ethnocentric article, he then suggests a causal link between support for Israel (which he equates with pro-Jewish attitudes) and the prospering or demise of various Gentile groups.

I am finding the narcissism of some Jews as irritating as the gay variety, where everything is always about "us." Blacks are past masters at this game.

I am either differentiated or confused about Jews. The "typical aggregate impact", in terms of politics, is hugely leftward and therefore deeply unwelcome. I would take Israel over its surrounding sea of barbarous Arabs any day. And I know Jews as people, in family and out, who are quite decent human beings.

But for an obviously ethnocentric Jew, in an article about Israel, the ultimate Jewish ethnocentricity, to attack Christianity for ethnocentrism....a double Huh?

'via Blog this'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! So Christianity, which was founded on the idea that anybody of any ethnicity could become a member, is more ethnocentric than the religion whose members call themselves "God's chosen people"?

I often experience the same dichotomy with Jews. On the one hand, I am extremely supportive of Israel (Ron Paul can kiss my gay ass), but I shake my head at Jews who vote Democrat. How can they, when it is so obvious that the people who they vote for could care less about Israel?


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