Friday, May 31, 2013

UnPC thought for the morning

People who wish to ignore demographics as the foundation of society are living in a dream or a trance. The lie of America as a "creedal" society where race, ethnicity, religion and culture...and gender, Ex Cathedra would add..mean nothing is part of what has brought this once-great nation to its present pathetic state.

For example. Let the American electorate be a group of 25 native adult White males. Then let us add in 25 native teenagers of both sexes and call the whole group of 50 "the American electorate." You can see the look of horror on people's faces when they imagine that hormone-addled, immature teenagers are now a political power.

One of the oddities of our regime is that while no one questions the exclusion of the young from politics, --and indeed, it is mandated by the Constitution--any other grounds are seen as heinous. Even the notion that the President must be a natural born citizen is looked upon with embarrassment.

Now take 25 native adult White males and add, oh, 6 Somalis, 2 Israelis, 4 Arabs, 10 Mexicans and 3 Hmong (of mixed genders) and let's call that group of 50 "the American electorate."

My current thought is that "democracy" only makes sense if the demographic which exercises it makes sense.

And you can imagine what sense the above demographics make.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the electorate is meant to reflect the Founders, you'll want to add in an IQ requirement. Maybe some sort of current events test to make sure people know what exactly what they're voting for.

Intelligence and free thought are far more important to me than gender or race. Although, maybe because I've been raised hearing that they don' matter in politics. But promises of free birth control in exchange for votes suggests otherwise.


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