Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tru dat

Louis CK is not a comic I know. But in this case, he shows real insight.


Calen said...

I certainly agree that CK can be hilarious and insightful. I think you'll find, though, if you look at the larger body of his work, that he toes leftist party lines a bit too closely to be a truly effective social critic.

To me, he's a classic example of a liberal comedian who is smart enough to see flaws in PC orthodoxy but who is also unwilling for whatever reason to push against them in any but the most limited and qualified manner. Maybe he recognizes that doing so is dangerous to one's career. Maybe he's a true believer in the fundamental project, if not in all its particular positions.

At any rate, it's a shame because he does come off as an intelligent and talented performer.

OreamnosAmericanus said...

I've heard that about him and so I don't pay much attention. But this piece was painfully accurate. And therefore, funny.

Anonymous said...

True. I've noticed that it is not my father who causes me more distress, but my mother. He gets me angry for a day at most every couple of weeks. If that. She makes me want to move halfway across the country and never see my family again on an almost daily basis. There are times I see homosexuality as a blessing. This way, I won't be dating a woman with the specter of my mother hanging over me.


OreamnosAmericanus said...

But don't be surprised if Psyche draws you to a man with something of her in him. I'm not saying it either must or will happen. But it might.

Anonymous said...

So the Oedipus Complex holds for both heterosexual and homosexual men? Didn't Freud say that homosexual men who had poor relationships with their fathers were more likely to pursue relationships with men who reminded men of their fathers in an attempt to make up for the bad relationship?


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