Monday, January 31, 2011

Hell cools a little

Tonight Bill O'Reilly had his conservative and liberal respondents on, talking about Egypt. Asking them to grade Obama on his response.

The conservative white woman gave him a C but couldn't say what he should have done to get a higher grade. The liberal black man gave him a D- because he should have done the right thing from the beginning. As he said, You can't invade foreign countries for the sake of setting up democracies and then make nice with dictators.

O'Reilly gave O a B because...what the hell is the guy supposed to do? Mubarak is a bad guy, sure, but he keeps peace with Israel and helps us. Remember the popular demonstrations in Iran years ago against the Shah? What came after? It's a tough situation.

Here's the hell cooling part. I agree with O'Reilly. O could get up on his pulpit, as he so often does, and give a high minded speech. But what will follow Mubarak? When was the last time a Middle Eastern dictator was deposed then replaced by somebody better?

(Tunisia is too soon to tell.) 

Sometimes you have to deal with the devil and there's no choice.

Even when we were the active single superpower, we could not control all of history.

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