Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Alternative history

Although the idea intrigues me, I have rarely come across a book of alternative history that kept my attention. Some days, though, the other "what-if" comes to mind.

What if my birthfather had not stopped off for a drink on his way home from work that day he died in a car accident?

What if I had not connected in 1987 in Toronto with a man possessing both Canadian and American citizenship and had not moved back to America and to this city?

What if I had not replied to an online contact, sight unseen, because I laughed, back in 2007 and my heart had never been avalanched by B?

What if I had not timed my departure from salaried administrative life and onto dependence on a cash only private practice at the precise moment in 2008 when the economy had its worst turn since the Depression?

What if I had been the kind of guy who never wondered, "What if?"?

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