Friday, January 21, 2011

An even vaster wasteland

TV described:
"When television is good, nothing — not the theater, not the magazines or newspapers — nothing is better.
But when television is bad, nothing is worse. I invite each of you to sit down in front of your own television set when your station goes on the air and stay there, for a day, without a book, without a magazine, without a newspaper, without a profit and loss sheet or a rating book to distract you. Keep your eyes glued to that set until the station signs off. I can assure you that what you will observe is a vast wasteland.
You will see a procession of game shows, formula comedies about totally unbelievable families, blood and thunder, mayhem, violence, sadism, murder, western bad men, western good men, private eyes, gangsters, more violence, and cartoons. And endlessly commercials — many screaming, cajoling, and offending. And most of all, boredom. True, you'll see a few things you will enjoy. But they will be very, very few. And if you think I exaggerate, I only ask you to try it."

This was in 1961. The head of the FCC opining.

Entertainment Weekly offers well, weekly, recaps of the following masterpieces...50 years later.

Declinism, anyone?


OreamnosAmericanus said...

To be fair, there's lots of great stuff on TV along with the crap. Twill always be thus.

Anonymous said...

Real Housewives is just the upper class version of Gerry Springer.

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