Friday, August 09, 2013

What color is your elephant?

Instapundit » Blog Archive » K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: A lengthy cri de couer from a reader: I’ve thought about this and thoug…:

Is it merely Ex Cathedra's inherent evil that makes him think that the one item not mentioned at all in this piece is in fact the real heart of the matter?

What could that be? Hmmmm.

Maybe the same one at the center of this hysteria?

(Let me remind my readers that Ex Cathedra's complete change of heart on this issue stems almost entirely from the fact that his country is being run into the ground because of an utterly false set of ideas and attitudes about this issue in particular and the suicidal buy-in of a majority of The Most Foolish People On The Planet (c).)

Their continuing, even accelerating, self-destruction is not your fault. Not.

'via Blog this'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today, I received an invitation to join Phi Sigma Pi. I was really surprised that such a high level group would want me to join, but I noticed one thing that annoyed me.

The card featured the female/male bathroom icons, with "BROTHERS" underneath it. The card seemed quite eager to stress that this was a coeducational fraternity. A "brotherhood" that features women as "brothers." Am I the only one who sees a linguistic problem with that?

Annoying, but I'm definitely considering joining. Think how that'll look on my resume! :)

And just think, I might just meet a guy there! ;)


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