Saturday, August 17, 2013

Try as I might

there is almost always at least one incident of SV&U in my visits home.

SV&U is B's shorthand for "small, venal and uncharitable", the reaction grown adults have when their parents --mothers especially--push their ancient childhood buttons.

No details. Only to say that small, simple and uncomplicated things become dramatic, frustrating and complex in a nanosecond. And one goes from being a senior on Medicare to an 8 year old. Just that it still amazes me how visceral it is.

As the health care worker said to me, Your mother treats all her children like babies.



Anonymous said...

Has B met the family? Is the family aware of B? Introducing the dreaded Significant Other sounds like another big hurdle in the family relationship: first they find out about this part of you, and then when they are finally comfortable with the idea, they get hit with the confirmation: "Oh my God, he really does like guys!"


OreamnosAmericanus said...

No. Yes.

OreamnosAmericanus said...

PS I've been out to my family for 30 years now. And they have known of and/or met the significant men in my life. B is just shy. :)

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