Sunday, August 25, 2013

More bad thoughts

on a beautiful August Sunday afternoon.

Samuel Huntington's Clash of Civilizations asserted what seemed obvious to most humans prior to the Great Liberal Enlightenment: that the human race bases its real and powerful identities in race and tribe, culture and religion. These are primary and enduring.

If you extrapolate Huntington to America, for example, then you get a political entity, a governmental fence around a set of tribes artificially named "Americans." But the real tribes are the subsets of this increasingly artificial identity, the races.

The non-White tribes show strong and consistent tribal identity. Their voting patterns are evidence of this. The common way in which we speak of "the minorities" accurately describes their identity, which is racial. These groups are massively encouraged to identify as such. And do. In a liberal regime, it is the source of all their power.

The only tribe which is significantly split, at war with itself, is the White one, which is forbidden to have a racial identity except when taking blame or repenting. It not only watches its power, wealth and status fade away --transferred to inimical others-- but celebrates this and participates in it.

What we have inside America is a clash of civilizations. But only one of them is committing suicide.



Anonymous said...

I don't see where this is going, to be honest. But just in case it goes to a place I don't like, let's start compiling a list of countries we would go to.

I nominate Switzerland, New Zealand, and Australia. Switzerland never gets bothered and is pretty conservative for a Euro-zone country, New Zealand has gorgeous landscapes, and Australia is a geological marvel.

You, Ex?


OreamnosAmericanus said...

I'm too old. But maybe the Italian part of Switzerland, near Lugano, would be nice for a younger man. If you like Italians.

Unknown said...

But...are the Italians in Switzerland actually Italian?

OreamnosAmericanus said...

That's a good question, Nathan. Even the Italians aren't sure who's Italian. When I lived in Rome, the Romans had a saying, "Al nord, sono tutti tedeschi, al mezzogiorno, tutti arabi. Noiantri siamo i soli veri Italiani." "North of us they're all Germans, south of us, all Arabs. We're the only real Italians." :)

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