Tuesday, August 06, 2013


The US dropped nukes on Hiroshima this day in 1945. Even that was not enough to make the Japanese surrender. Nagasaki followed.

It saved many American lives that would have been lost in an invasion of the home islands.

And people like to forget the extreme savagery of the Japanese in that war. Makes Abu Graib look like a kindergarten.

Good idea, then, the bomb. No regrets.



Anonymous said...

To all the people who think this was wrong: what would you have done? Would you have invaded, causing the deaths of thousands of Americans, British, Canadians, French, Russians, other Allies, and Japanese in a campaign whose horrors may well have surpassed Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Look up how many Purple Hearts and Bronze and Silver Stars were produced in anticipation of that operation. THAT is what you would have done? Or perhaps you would've sued for peace and let the Japanese continue their oft-forgotten atrocities?

Every day, I become more and more convinced that liberalism is a philosophy built upon rejection of reality and mental substitution of a fantasy world. Hence why liberalism, when allowed to run rampant, produces train wrecks like Detroit.

Conservatism is often criticized as harsh and uncaring. I agree that many conservatives have become bitter and angry as they watch the people they want to genuinely help make the worst possible decision. You and I embody that. But I still believe that, at its core, conservatism is more based in genuine care than liberalism. Sheepdogs only nip at sheep to keep them from going into danger. If sheepdogs were liberals, they would let the sheep wander into the wolf's den. Hell, they may even herd the sheep into it if the sheep demanded it loudly enough.


OreamnosAmericanus said...

liberalism is a philosophy built upon rejection of reality and mental substitution of a fantasy world.


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