Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Once again

A post-apocalyptic Brit program about a new colony on another planet. Guess what. Strong phallic women, some decent men, bad men --of course-- and already the weak men.

The weak, fearful and incompetent characters. Nowadays, always men.

And one of the bad men is religious. I like him :)He's a very handsome guy (Eric Mabius) , in that boyish but butch Northern Euro kinda way. Like William R Moses. And he plays a bad guy, counter to facial nice-guy type. Plus, even though he's a bad guy, he thinks the utopian peaceniks are nuts.

(Apparently the show tanked and so we are left with the first season cliffhanger...)  

The references to religion and specifically to Christianity are uniformly contemptuous and negative. Secularists are not neutral on religion; unless it's Islam, they hate it.

And another self-righteous idealist humanitarian moralist bitch. Her name is Fleur and I would derive much satisfaction if someone smacked her mouth shut. Yes I would.

(A good deal of the plot is driven by the willingness of males to want to please women, regardless of how obnoxious they are. Beta-world. And of course, it is beyond me.)

I note again how often male characters are set to go about their business and the females' role is either to stop them or to demand inclusion in them. I plead no contest to my own complexes here, but take a look in movies and TV and see how often this structure shows up.

As for the PC race game and gender game, the less said the better.

PS That lowclass Brit way of turning "th" into "f" or "v" (American Blacks do it, too...birfday.) annoys me.

Now. How was that for a cranky rant?

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