Thursday, April 26, 2012

More thoughtcrimes

In the wake of AG "My People" & "Affirmative Action Has Just Begun" Holder's decision to sue a Florida fire department because not enough Blacks get promoted --they flunk the written test-- I continue my thoughtcrime experiment of how the different racial groups would fare without each other. If his Nation of Cowards broke up and there were several separate post-USA sovereign States based on race (White, Black, Latino, Asian, Amerindian....even a citystate for LGBTs), how would they fare?

It looks like the White Republic would quickly go into civil war mode because, as I said, I think that the primary conflict is between Whites, liberals vs conservatives*. But if we simply stay on the level of basic survival...capacity to create order, have and use skills and resources, set up systems for healthcare, police and fire and military, banking and money systems, even garbage collection, heat and water and light, maintenance of infrastructure and technology, schooling, etc...the new Caucasian state would do just fine. To put it bluntly, the Whites do not need the other groups to survive.

In a Black State, who would handle all that?

Which leads me to my thoughtcrime of the day: as endlessly dissatisfied and resentful as many Blacks seem to be within the current structure, despite a half century of America's dismantling barriers and supporting special treatment, would they actually be better off outside it?  Whites could get along without them, but could they get along without us?

You do the math.

*But since liberals are against owning guns and would thus be at a disadvantage, I suspect they'd get a separate State pretty easily, just because the conservatives would be so happy to be rid of them.


Anonymous said...

I guess disparate impact occurs via the impact of the airy parrots of Dis, Shem. ...

Why would the attorney general seek to prevent parroting Dis? Because he doesn't enjoy SWPL? nt 5397 phluaroi (1x. 1Timothy[god-evaluer nt5092 js2930, 8485, 8537, 2938] 5:13), that is, whispering war by the troops of Mars Nergal (anĂªr-gale?). ... "white" bkw "epsilon tiw h"? epsilons are the throne h of Tiu Tue etc (Norse and Germanic Nergal)?

Firemen use water (Japhethic element) to extinguish half-fires (Hamitic element; half-genealogies weaved by Shem) in Canaan even though, as firemen, they are also constituted by fieriness. ... If the "written test" is taken on-line, does any simile of fire-hose with ink pen simile still apply?

I suppose a danger or enhancement is that by race-baiting fire fighters Mr Prolonger of Hagira or Running Away in 'this' world (js751 + js2467 +er) perhaps promotes indefinitely extended or un-endable wars that aren't merely extinguishing half-fires 2Sam 3:1a. (By more direct etymology name means holder [container, sc shem the tent weaver?] of the King or the state, Reich.)

As for "You do the math":
Pharisees: »Don't you have anything better to do than to “cleanse” the temple? Why don't you direct your hate at the Roman occupiers, the REAL wrong doers and oppressors!?«
J of N: »Judah Tammuz!« (Jihad, Jew'd etc upon the Canaanite Sun, Son. ThMWZ js8542. Valuing(TMA etc, as above) + dying-killing MWTh 4191? or-and MWTzA 4161 sc exiting from this world into the world; rising, departing. Cf also melting away js8557 TMS.

Anonymous said...

P.S. We must assume it's a sign of Westerners' growing dhimmihood that when Egypt announced that Islam gives a man a right to six hours of 'farewell sex' upon a dead wife's corpse, our marriage equality activists didn't condemn the proposed change on grounds that a similar right isn't going to be extended to bereaved LGBT relationship partners.

An Egyptian fiqh expert did remark that the wife has a similar right, which first recall'd to my irk'd imagination a remember'd factoid from the 20th century, that a crucify'd victim eventually gets an erection. (Not sure how medical specialists know this.) Accordingly, along this line (the sunna side of the strait path?) perhaps the fiqh expert's added remark isn't absurd.

But more probably he was referring to the right of a dead wife to such attentions upon her corpse. For as Mary Daly hints, man is necrophile in his love for woman-death (cf Eve's ministrations), and woman-death is in love with man qua "life" who needs mortification.

Anonymous said...

P.S. We must assume it's a sign of Westerners' growing dhimmihood that when Egypt announced that Islam gives a man a right to six hours of 'farewell sex' upon a dead wife's corpse, our marriage equality activists didn't condemn the proposed change on grounds that a similar right isn't going to be extended to bereaved LGBT relationship partners.

An Egyptian fiqh expert did remark that the wife has a similar right, which first recall'd to my irk'd imagination a remember'd factoid from the 20th century, that a crucify'd victim eventually gets an erection. (Not sure how medical specialists know this.) Accordingly, along this line (the sunna side of the strait path?) perhaps the fiqh expert's added remark isn't absurd.

But more probably he was referring to the right of a dead wife to such attentions upon her corpse. For as Mary Daly hints, man is necrophile in his love for woman-death (cf Eve's ministrations), and woman-death is in love with man qua "life" who needs mortification.

PNWReader said...

The current example would be Detroit, I believe. I suspect the conservative white state would eventually attract the rest of the conservatives of whatever identity.

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