Thursday, April 11, 2013

White Privilege

Dana Milbank: Rand Paul goes to Howard U in peace, receives quiet

Non-Democrat Whites get to go grovelling to minorities who are granted unlimited moral capital. It's shameful.

It is a commonplace accusation for Liberals to make that any attack on Barry Hussein O is inspired by racism and is simply code for being anti-Black. After all, why else would anyone criticize a stellar Nobel Peace Prize Winner whose Presidency has restored America's greatness, through bold fiscal discipline at home and bold diplomacy abroad?

Here's a thought: attacks on Republicans --not only but especially from non-Whites-- are coded racial attacks on Whites. After all, Republicans are The White Party: 90% of Romney's votes came from the 60% of Whites who voted Republican. If only White votes were counted, Obama would have won less than 55 electoral votes out of 538.

So any attack on Republicans from now on --unless Ex Cathedra does it because they are dickless pussies-- is a coded attack on Whites and is raciss.

'via Blog this'

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