Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Neuhaus' Law

British universities in grip of ‘lad culture’ of misogyny, according to NUS | The Times:

Conservative and orthodox Catholic convert Richard Neuhaus enunciated this principle about religion:

Where orthodoxy is optional,
orthodoxy will sooner or later be proscribed.

There are other versions of this among conservatives. At the old NoLeftTurns blog, there was a similar idea that any institution not specifically and consciously conservative would eventually become liberal*. Or something like that.

But you get the idea.

It is a principle of wide application and pretty serious claim to explanatory power in many fields beyond faith. IMHO.

The synergy of all of the Seven Pillars of the Progressive Religion extends not only to religion, where secularism is the drift: reducing (Christian) religion to a private eccentricity. It applies also to fundamentals like sex (above) and race. Where men and masculinity are optional, where People Living With Little Melanin are optional, they --we-- will sooner or later, quickly or slowly, consistently or erratically, be proscribed.**

Look at the fate of the universities over the last half-century. Look at the Nanny State. Watch how different races, White Males especially, are now portrayed in media. Look at genderless marriage. Look at who it's OK to mock or insult and who it definitely isn't. Just look around.

Despite the clamor about "privilege" --and in fact, because of it-- for Males and Whites, both maleness and Whiteness are in the process of being proscribed. Under all sorts of therapeutic and liberatory labels, --and very enthusiastically by a powerful segment of White Males--but proscription is the drift.

"Lad culture", "rape culture" vs "female safety and empowerment" are just the latest versions of the now antique and vanquished "male chauvinism". In grade school you can de-nature the boys with Ritalin; at university, we have to create a moral panic and moral social solution. In a world designed for feminist women, for the safety and empowerment, masculinity has to be reduced the merely ornamental status of a groom at a modern wedding, or a source of funds after the modern divorce.

"White privilege" and "systemic racism" and "unconscious racism" are just the latest versions of evil Bull Connor and his dogs. Multicultural America 3.0 will fix that, thank you very much.

Any group that claims Victim status in the Liberal world and asserts that it "only wants fairness" and "diversity" is lying. Give 'em an inch...What it wants is dominance. And revenge.

The drift, as Neuhaus knew in his own field, is toward eventual erasure.

*A powerful critique of conservatism, from the farther right, is that all it ever does is try to slow down liberalizing progress, not stop or reverse it; that its history is a history of nothing but lost battles, and that today's conservatives are merely supporting the day before yesterday's liberalism.

**The current war on the 2nd Amendment is a war on men. And although the vast majority of both the killers and the killed with guns are disproportionately Black, the war is aimed at disarming civilian White men. Blacks will continue to ignore the gun laws, no matter what they are.

'via Blog this'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the combox of an article on National Catholic Register about a florist being sued for not selling flowers for a gay wedding, a gay commenter went on a long tirade about how just it was that the florist was being sued. Basically, it boiled down to the typical, "She's not getting persecuted, WE got persecuted, and now that popular opinion is in our favor, we're going to wipe you out."

The kind of passive aggressive, pound-of-flesh crap that gays are so good at dishing out online when they don't have to worry about people seeing their bad side.

Daily reminder of why I am attracted to men, and repulsed by "gays."

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