Friday, April 26, 2013


Once you start looking at different groups' typical aggregate impact on society, it's hard to be PC.

To use a typically biased and low-brow Ex Cathedra example, suppose there had been no Muslim emigration to America over the last 40 years.

How would our history and our present have been different?

And even more scarily: does their presence here, given their typical aggregate impact on society,  outweigh in benefits what it has cost us?

What if our immigration policy had been conscious based on the self-interested question: What do these people (both individually and especially as groups) bring to our country that's likely to benefit us, both in this generation and in following generations? What problems are they likely to cause us?

Pardon me if it seems to me that our actual policy --where we even care to enforce it-- has been, What right do we have to keep you out?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like how blacks and hispanics make up a disproportionate percentage of violent crimes, obesity, and gun violence?

P.S. My university's college Republican group is small and still dazed from November, but they are conservatives of varying stripes and they were very receptive to my ideas about community visibility and displaying our values as common sense values.

P.P.S. My lack of a boyfriend is starting to chafe. Hoping to find a guy on a sports team, but alas, it seems my doom to be attracted to straight fellas. :(


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