Friday, April 19, 2013

Win win

Democrat activist and journalist Reb David Sarota hoped the other day for a 'White American' to be the Boston Marathon bomber, lest, Allah forfend, we think badly of Islam, the world famous Religion of Peace.

Reb Sarota is in the running for this week's General Casey Multicultural Award, given to Americans who value diversity more than the lives of their countrymen.

Casey, US Army Chief of Staff no less, famously opined in 2009 after the Mohammedan doctor and officer Nidal Hasan killed and wounded his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, "as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse."

Others, for reasons only Allah can imagine, thought that there might turn out to be a Muslim connection to the bombing.

The two Tsarnaev brothers turn out to be Caucasian (Chechenand Muslim. One of them even got naturalized. So Reb Sarota gets a Whitey American --sort of-- and the evil Islamophobic haters get a Muz.


Unknown said...

does the term caucasian even have a meaning? I think technically it is a body type that ranges from Europe to North Africa all the way to India... which incorporates a very large range of skin colors....when is someone "white" and when is someone "caucasian" and when is someone "European". Because "white" from chechnya is different than "white" from england. i suppose it would be too much to ask for a scientific basis so that we could have some consistency.

OreamnosAmericanus said...

I used Caucasian purposely, precisely because of its ambiguity. In usual speech, it equals White, which means European-descended. But if you take the classical threefold race category of Caucasian, Negroid and Mongoloid, it covers a lot of ground, as you say.

And just because a word is a bit elastic does not empty it of meaning. You just have to clarify.
I go by Wittgenstein's dictum that "meaning is use."

I am pretty sure that Reb Sarota was hoping for a native-born White Gentile American male. So he did not get what he wanted. But I wanted to include his stupid ass in the posting.

OreamnosAmericanus said...

In principle, it would be easy now to define these things based on genetic haplogroups. You define the territories that constitution Europe and then anyone with a predominant gene load originating from these places belongs to Europe and is White. But scientific info is not always ultimate. The social use of White would need to be consulted. When English Canadians in the past wanted French Canadians to talk to them in English, they'd say, "Speak White."

Ashkenazi and many Sephardic Jews look White, ie, European, but their genetic history leads back to western Asia of course, to Israel.

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