Saturday, April 27, 2013

Since they're all White

none of this can be "raciss."

The Official European Joke |

European paradise:
You are invited to an official lunch. You are welcomed by an Englishman. Food is prepared by a Frenchman and an Italian puts you in the mood and everything is organised by a German. 
European hell:
You are invited to an official lunch. You are welcomed by a Frenchman. Food is prepared by an Englishman, German puts you in the mood but, don’t worry, everything is organised by an Italian.

This is one version of an old joke, but the point is the same in all of them. Different peoples have different gifts, and corresponding deficits. This is as obvious as sunrise in the morning.
[Reminds me of taking the train in 1975 from Italy to Germany. The Italian ride was full of families, food eaten in public, a less than sterling attitude toward litter, semi-interested staff, lots of noise. At the Swiss border, a change of crew and passengers, and a total change of attitude and environment. All cleaned up, everyone had to have their papers, fewer families, sit up straight with no feet on the seats, very quiet, etc. Cultural difference completely obvious.
It continues to astonish me how much "multiculturalists" deny the existence of culture when it threatens their egalitarian (anti-White) agenda. ]

But if you mixed this joke up and made it global, so that there'd be a recognition of deficits of People of Color, it would go from being amusingly true to being unpardonably criminal.

Which, of course, makes perfect sense, no? After all, as the Canuckistan Supreme Court, our highly evolved neighbors to the North, have recently informed us, just because a statement is true does not exempt it from being forbidden hate speech...

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