Monday, April 08, 2013

Not a Goddess

A too-forgiving God -

"NAOMI SCHAEFER RILEY finds that (the Christian*) God forgives philandering men too easily, concluding her piece with, "but hell hath no fury."

Reminds me of a theological chat I had with a passionate but somewhat realistic ex-Catholic lesbian about why God had to be male. I explained that since forgiveness was a major part of the divine portfolio, and that men --even if out of forgetfulness-- can forgive more easily than women, who never forget, God had to be a Father and not a Mother.

Lesbian feminist though she was --or perhaps from her experience dealing with lesbian feminists!--she agreed.

'via Blog this'

*She doesn't specify, but it's clear that Allah and Yahweh are not who she has in mind.

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