Friday, July 20, 2012

Morning insensitivity

The Denver theatre shooting.

While we have regular occurrences of crimes by groups of "youths" or "teenagers" or "young men" and it is the protocol in the MSM to give perpetrator ages and genders but leave out race or ethnicity in certain*, ahem, cases, HuffPo makes it clear...and am I projecting their sense of relief and righteousness here?...that the shooter is "a white American male." No punches pulled. No racial sensitivity.

Not surprising. Either who the shooter was going to be, or that they'd clarify his racial status. Maybe he'll turn out to be a "white Hispanic", but prolly not.

Will Michael Moore make another film, "Bowling at Aurora"?

Blacks seem to mirror the traditional warfare and violence patterns of tribal peoples, who carry on low-level but constant violence against their enemies. In the societies of the Noble (or not) Savages, as many as 1/3 of the population dies in unremitting gang-style warfare.

Whites seem to carry out in miniature their own modern European penchant for long and wide periods of peace punctuated by catastrophic wars. Although huge numbers die in these occasional incidents, a far tinier percent of the population is ever at risk for violent death.

Sorta like the current Muslim jihad vs a Tim McVeigh.

Just sayin'.

*"Certain", implying a minority, is not quite right because the majority of crimes are disproportionately carried out by Blacks and Latinos. Ironically, it is only because everyone knows this that we are not allowed to mention it. And we thought the Victorians were irrational prudes.

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