Monday, April 01, 2013

More White foolishness

Since today is April Fool's Day, I am reflecting on the various and sundry foolishnesses (stultitiae) of the Leukophores. (That's Greek, for White-carriers).

One of our foolishnesses is our hubristic belief that our highest values must be universal values. Everyone else has their particularities of tribe and religion and such, but we are able to pierce the veil and reach Universal Truths. The Greek philosophers, most of them, were busy doing that since a loooong time ago.

Now, of course, we Palefaces are not the only ones to assert this. Buddhists and Muslims, for example, both believe that they also possess the highest truths. Which are incompatible with each other, to be sure. But they are connected to very specific communities. If you want access to their truths, you have to join their Sangha or their Ummah.

Christianity also maintains...well, used to maintain, before it got to be considered impolite...that it has the ultimate truth. Why do you think they went missionizing all over the place? It sure as hell wasn't interfaith dialogue. But there, too, --at least in the old days-- if you wanted to be part of that ultimate truth, you had to join the Church.

For all these old-timey groups, access to the Universal truth was through the Particular. Odd, huh?

The thing about modern day really enlightened and openminded White People kind of Universal Truth and Values is that they do not belong to anyone. White People discovered them, but because they were Universal, made them available to anyone who wanted them. You didn't have to join a Sangha or an Ummah or an Ecclesia. (Well, maybe the UN, but if you take a look at that assembly of Crips and Bloods in expensive suits, you have to wonder about how strict the entrance exams are...) So these very White People values also did not belong to White People. Maybe even especially to White People. 'Cause that would not be inclusive or sensitive or diverse...

Oh, they have so-called "Western civilization" and science and all that, but, really, isn't that also the Common Possession of Humanity? (Or ripped off from someone else, more likely). Or maybe it's just "The Dominant Culture."

But the funny thing is that since these Universal Truths are the ones that White People value the most, and which they discovered and which actually made them unique, but they decided that they don't belong to them, what you have is White People with Nothing Of Their Own.

Except their sins and crimes, of course.

For which they are really, really sorry.


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