Monday, March 28, 2011

Seven deadlies

If I had to rank myself for the Seven Deadly Sins, this would be my guess:

1. sloth...procrastination has been the absolute bane of my life.
2. don't have to be overweight to be fixated on food and drink.
3. lust...on my mind a lot, even if I am, by gay standards, a moderate.
4. pride...intellectual mostly.
5. envy...half-hearted: I would like to have what others have and I feel I lack,
    but I don't want to take theirs  away from them to get it...see Sloth.
6. wrath: though I don't show it very much, I feel it a lot.
7. greed: again, desire does not get implemented very much.

I would certainly trade sloth for one of the others as my chief flaw. Greed or wrath or even pride.

Since this is a self-assessment, a lot of it could be wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is quite fine, imho: »envy...half-hearted: I would like to have what others have and I feel I lack, but I don't want to take theirs away from them to get it...see Sloth.«

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