Wednesday, July 31, 2013

VDH gets it

In both senses of the word.

Facing Facts about Race | National Review Online:

Having crossed the Taboo Line, he is now a racist privileged White male oppressor.

Even Ta-Nehisi Coates noticed.

PS. Understandably, Dr Sowell does not get it on this one. One of his very rare pieces that feels less than tightly argued. He obviously rejects White discrimination as the explanation for Black failure, but in order to avoid the genetic argument that leaves little room for improvement, he aims largely for a combo of Guns Germs and Steel's geographic argument with the fairly obvious effects of group self-isolation.

But Ex Cathedra keeps wondering, After fifty years, where's the beef?

'via Blog this'


Anonymous said...

VDH has been on a role, lately. His most recent article about tragic heroes was amazingly archetypal, invoking the heroes many great Westerns (which I have yet to see; it's on my to-do list). It reminded me a lot of Orwell's comment about "rough men" who let us sleep at night. It was also though-provoking: do we push away tragic heroes because we fear that our gratitude to them reveals that we are still pack animals, ever seeking a mighty Alpha to lead and protect us?

He lost me by the end of the article, when he started throwing out names like Chris Christie as possible tragic heroes. That man couldn't commit an act of political self-sacrifice if his life depended on it. Many people mistook his blunt speech as a sign that he was not a true man of the people. His political love affair with Obama and federal funding revealed that he is nothing more than an uncouth statist. Thankfully the Tea Party has his number.


Anonymous said...

Dr. Sowell's article brings Caesar's line to mind: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves." I don't think the question of the origin of IQ is settled, not by a long shot, but we cannot continue to hold to the idea that lack of ability is due to oppression or some nonsense. That way lies folly.


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