Tuesday, June 04, 2013

What can I say?

7th grader saves classmate from bully with knife, is punished for 'playing hero' | The Daily Caller:

'via Blog this'

Had a conversation the other day which confirmed what a moderate I am. My ex T is currently of the opinion that when the mother ship from his homeworld comes to rescue him, he will arrange for  the human species to be cleansed from the planet, except for about 20 of us.

Now, soft-hearted Ex Cathedra's fantasy of a forest of gallows only requires the deaths of a few thousand people. An old softy, that's me.

PS. There'd be a lot of expulsion and exile, to be sure, but only a few thousand deaths.

I am the Mr Rogers of the Right.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And to think, I only want a global return to pre-Rennaisance technology levels to restore a patriarchal societal model and give it a chance to mature without the encroachment of external enemies and threats. But keep the advances in ophthalmology. I want to see, thank you very much!

Cities would largely be abandoned due to lawlessness and lack of food. Society would become agrarian/hunting oriented, with a focus on service bartering. Blue collar tradesmen would reign supreme, while academics would be forced out of business. Law and order would become harsher, perhaps with a greater focus on corporeal punishment than incarceration. Christianity would hopefully become more masculine as men educated for jobs that are no longer possible or have a more archaic form would begin to view the priesthood or ministry as a viable option. The federal government would probably be unable to keep control of such a vast expanse of now isolated land. State or even regional governments would probably become the basis for new countries.

But at least I'm not cleansing the species! :)


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