Tuesday, November 02, 2010

An Alberta Park Ranger

Thom found this fella on line and suggested I might like his look.

Damn, the boy knows me well. It's a great thing, testosterone.

And not only is he effin beautiful, but a talented photographer, with a sense of humor*. His caption for this doubles shot:

Ever wanna tell yerself just to shut the fuck up?

*I seem to have a historical weakness for these type of guys...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should have a weakness for beautiful men with a sense of humor; one of the theories of the evolution of the human critter that has been placed on the academic table is that intelligence evolved not so much for its survival value, but /primarily/ because amusing people get laid more. Our bloated brains are as the peacock's flashy feathers.

This theory makes some sort of sense to me...it could explain why IQ doesn't correlate often enough with reality-grip.


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