And here's another academic at a small US rural religious college whose choice of tie, and suspenders, rather enhances his leanly athletic and angular intellectual appeal:
Looks a bit like a pre-buffed Chris Evans
They are only 1/8th of the US population, and with their average IQ of 85 --15 points lower than the White average of 100-- the percentage with IQs over 120 is tiny and their numbers tiny. So the media's lies of how the world is populated with their doctors and computer geniuses, etc. are part of the Potemkin strategy, to make us believe that their multicultural dream is possible,when it's not.
"The other thing I have noticed is that the natural and splendid and time-honoured Catholic instinct to avoid saying critical or disrespectful things about the man who is Sovereign Pontiff is increasingly wearing thinner and thinner.
This, I think, is largely because so many of us, clergy and layfolk, bloggers and blogreaders, simply do not know how to understand and interpret the endlessly unkind expressions which flow from the os Petri. Especially after the gentle courtesy and personal charm of Pope Benedict, the predictable condemnations and the merciless language in which Pope Francis' views are couched are so difficult to gloss.
Is it simply that this is Latin American culture? Is it because in Argentina nobody listens to what you say unless you give them a good kicking first? Is it something about the particular psychology or even the physiology of this Successor of S Peter? Has Jesuitry got anything to do with it? Does he expect us to be cowed by his words or is he 'up for' us to reply in kind, tit for tat, insult for insult, with lots of jolly and good-humoured knock-about fun?
All the stuff about parrhesia* ... does he mean it, or is it just code for "If you're in agreement with me I expect you to talk loud and to talk often. Oh, and by the way, if you aren't, well, I am the pope and I've got your card marked already."?
We cannot know how much longer le bon Dieu will permit this hermeneutically unfathomable pontificate to last. But it is surely clear that we are going to need very much more than the usual ration of daily grace to get through it. Come, Holy Ghost ..."