Monday, June 25, 2012

Remind me again

why it's a sacred obligation for men who share bathrooms with women to "leave the toilet seat down"?

The girls don't think they should have to touch the seat and put it down after a man has pulled it up to pee...but it's perfectly fine for guys to have to touch the seat to pull up after a woman has pulled it down to pee?

Or maybe it's one little cog in the wheel of feminist ideology making men dance to their tune.

A PC action, much like African-American or woman (never lady) is a PC thought-control word.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of controling "thou ought" )thought control(, I wish Ex Cathedra would give us guidance on the proper criticism of African American presidents, first ladies, attorneys-general, clerics.

When I consult my broken (js1303) moral compass or inner-path fitrah, every other consideration is overwhelm'd by white guilt for white privilege (being judged as an individual not as a stereotyped population group, except in journalistic historiological narratives where I bear the karma for the Crusades, slavery, witch hunts, exploitation, capitalist militarism, homophobic misogyny etc).

I even cringe at least slightly whenever I see the president praised for "cool" -- since this value criterion does not translate into life success for any guy, really, but certainly not for black males in Anglo-Saxony. Ultimately maybe there's little real respect involved when whites praise blacks for coolness. To aspire to be a responsible work-ethic nerd such as Condi Rice or Colin Powell would probably have better results for black males -- and for white males. Perhaps the president functions as a responsible work-ethic nerd, but this means he ought to be presented and marketed as such.

My only conclusion is that me ought to hold off on any criticism of the president, first lady, attorney-general unless they do or say overwhelmingly evil things. This perpetuates the non-inclusion of blacks into white or mainstream America, since getting criticized, including by irrelevant, fatuous, obtuse etc criticism, is almost the job description of any political office. For instance, the NYT and Harvard School of Medicine declaring that they were unable to raise the alarms about AIDS infection until the Reagan White House lead off on that issue. even though the NYT and Harvard didn't comply with Reagan administration's silences on anything else, didn't wait to see what the proper interpretation of the Contras was until Reagan spoke it, and so on.

I feel somehow that "racism" is a motive in some of the criticism of the president and first lady that I read. Just as highclass misogyny drove a lot of the criticism of Laura Bush and Barbara Bush, and lowclass misogyny or ressentiment drove a lot of the criticism of HRC who despised low-class women. I'm not sure if Congressional Republican criticism of and exploitation of Fast and Furious bungling and covering up etc would be any different if the attorney general were white or Chinese. Maybe so. Maybe not. ... A lot of radical Muslims are "white" but they still have to endure a lot of Islamophobia from rightwing whites who can't see through the beards and burkas to the real reverence for women as equals of men that animates Islam or true Islam or moderate Islam. ...

But since a wave of automatic patronizing-condescending assent and praise would prevent the president from really being president, I wish we could find some way to detect when one's criticism of the president is driven by "racism" and thus should be suppress'd and when one's criticism is valid and thus should be voiced. ...

Evidently other higher-man whites have this difficulty too. I mean, doing health care "reform" by guaranteeing bloated medical insurance corporations that they won't be bilking the American people one nickel less under the individual mandate etc probably wouldn't be tacitly approved of by the "left" if done by a white Republican president. So also the president's part in the Wall Street bail out with public money. And some other stuff, like military actions. ... Even the white Democrat Bill Clinton's militarism and iraq sanctions that had murderous results far beyond those of the Bush-Cheney invasion and occupation seems to get some sort of acquiescence from the white left.

Anonymous said...

A lot of the criticism of the first lady's spending practices may be racism motivated -- when one considers that her expenses are irrelevant considering the huge waste of money borrow'd at interest now going on in federal spending systems. But then maybe the first lady should be irrelevant in any case. What relevance to political economy did Nancy Reagan's offensive habits have?

Or indeed, how is HRC to be a feminist role model for white girls when she subordinated her career to her husband's and then made first lady the platform for an ostensible independent career -- which removes attention from women who do stand for public office on their own. Not that the current first lady isn't a model of subordinated, conservative womanhood compared with most J.D. white women of the upper class. That she freely ego shrinks her high-achievement husband is perhaps proper and properly praised, even though since the first lady is interpreted as a feminist role model the meaning of feminism is rather erodes this way, that is if feminism is a project for women's and men's psychical independence as individuals.

Simone de Beauvoir sees in female saints and hermits the solitaries who are feminist woman's precusors. ... If the goal is the great divorce of man and woman, polygamy bolster'd by homoerotic higher love may be just as good as Sartrean-Beauvoirean promiscuity and child-free-ness. Margaret Thatcher endanger'd the dissolution of the West and Anglo-Saxony in general and thus she is no proper feminist role model for white girls in Anglo-Saxony, let alone in Europe. Merkel maybe is tolerated because she is a technocrat only, and not a culture warrior.

Neo-Calvinist obsession exclusively with the Sovereignty of God is a good segue to Islam, eh? ...

Anonymous said...

Simone Weil denies the Incarnation in the Christ event. Simone Weil Reader, p. 7, the (non)ego is withdrawn from the 'wretched flesh.' ... Again, Islam agrees.

Her Platonism doesn't need Plato. Her essay on power or might doesn't need Homer. She doesn't relate to Jesus' parables. She rejects the Old Testament totally. Pre-Christian intimations in Greece, sc intimations that never arrive at Christianity, the Chalcedon creed, or at the bible as the sacred text of a public religion.

If I were a secularist and had 'game,' I would even 'play' her.

Anonymous said...

You know, in terms of pickwickian genealogy, a birth in Hawaii if you take the w as a serpent tet or arabic tay could signify Hataii Haiti, the New World's Egypt-improvementing Cush or Ethiopia or Abyssinia (dichtung of hatred cf 'haiti' ABY js5671 [also Ab as father] + ShNYA js8146).

Haiti as js2408 ChTY js2409 ChTYA sin and sin offering. And ChThY js2850 Hittite as prostrated, terror, a name similar in meaning to Canaan as flatten'd. Hittites from Heth, Cheth, second son of Canaan.

Haiti a slave revolt (cf Nietzsche on this motor of moral improvement) that founded a state. ... I feel 'slave revolt' in myself vs my tribal ancestral traditional preceptors as wholly undeserving of their good self image as just, liberational, loving, learned, free from amour-propre, unconcern'd with affluence and prestige, prophetically truthful, etc. And yet maybe something has gone wrong in me since evidently I am not re-essencing (ressentiment-ing) their goals whatever they were; or is negating them is my fate? (ressentiment has 12 letters, 12 is wheel of fate in Greater Mysteries, wherefor, I guess, the french term is used by translators of Nietzsche and Scheler, not the english resentment, 10 letters, though in an alternative reckoning of the Greater Mysteries, 10 is the wheel of fate or fortune). ...

Anonymous said...

in modern 'racial' terms, the Hitties, sons of Canaan, were 'aryan' or indo-european, sc us. Our ancestral backwardness, obscurantism, cannot be over-emphasized. We can accomplish a lot when compel'd by yhwh, but if left to run true to our nature we are zilches.

In terms of the president and Lady Gaga turning kids gay, if gay sc goy or gentile, then perhaps the pickwickian meaning is that the president and Lady reversing Agag represent improving American QDSh js6918 6942ff Ego personnel by wising them up to the Agag principle of two Montaignean boutiques, the front "there" rather a wheel of rebirth samsara in hassles and pains, and the back "here" a philistine nirvana playhouse -- the two are connected via inner path outer path. The straight path replaces the ostensible no path? ...

I think QDCh 6919 burner is also spell'd QDSh. ...
QDSh is the Islamic name for Jerusalem, raining throwing islam js 3384 + 7999.

Anonymous said...

St. Paul allows that the Gospel places the truth with earthen vessels, sc in our terms kids as KDs 3537. also no doubt in some sense 'goats'. but cf also js3589 KYD destruction.

Anonymous said...

Another intriguing key thing re Haïti -- the revolution that establish'd a Cushite state led by all-saints l'ouverture (opening, prelude etc) begins from the abolition of the annointed kings of Christendom by the French Revolution. Napoleon's counter-revolution attack'd Toussaint and the Haïtian state. ... What a long strange slave revolt it's been, eh?

Ham sc 'burnt' perhaps begins as white-skin'd. ...

Anonymous said...

It's best if everybody just agrees to close the lid after each use. I like your blog...I think I was looking for photos of nuns habits when I fell into your rabbit hole.

Anonymous said...

*nun's (!!!!)

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