Monday, June 25, 2012

Does this make me a

pedophile? Well, an ephebophile...

Just kidding. Yeah, he's over 21. A personal trainer with a BA in European History from Berkeley.  Really! :)

I ran across him in a gay vampire movie.


But then, he could be my grandson...

Actually, he's got that Dan Futterman thing going.

Further reflection: my actual taste in men is for the mature and seasoned, as the history of images on this blog will more than suggest. But I guess there's a part of us which remains younger and gets constellated sometimes by a younger face or energy. Actually connecting in real life with a much younger man makes me uncomfortable, makes me feel avuncular or fatherly --or grandfatherly-- rather than revved up and playful. In the last ten years, the youngest man I have actually been with has been in his mid 30's. If a face and form like this fella's provokes me, I think it's a younger version of me that he stimulates, a fantasy-memory of an earlier Ex Cathedra.


PNWReader said...

First time I've seen "ephebophile" since it was used with reference to me 15 years ago by a group of young men I was mentoring. A truly innocent lot, they had no idea why I was struggling to keep from laughing. Often wished I could have seen their faces when/if they ever figured out what they were implying. Or maybe it was an invitation I was too innocent to understand. Ah, youth.

How was the movie? Looks like IMDB gave it 2.5/10 stars.

OreamnosAmericanus said...

Terrible movie, but I am a fan of the vampire genre, so I gave it a shot.

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