Saturday, June 09, 2012


Another beautiful sunny day in The City By The Bay. Warm, light breeze, achingly blue sky.

Brief cellphone chat with B in Armenia. Still amazes the hell out of me that I can pick up this little object, the size of a pack of cigarettes, but thinner, and talk to someone on the other side of the planet.

I hope Armenia is more interesting than its monastic ruins. Hey, I like a good monastic ruin as much as the next man, but they seem to get kinda repetitive after a while. We hear his verdict in a few weeks.

Armenia has an annual festival called One Nation, One Culture. Armenians are no fans of multiculturalism. And why should they be? What could it possibly do for them? Just surviving as an ethnic group has been no easy task for them. The Turks tried to wipe them out in 1915. Perhaps it's only because of that --and their exotic location and lack of power-- that they are exempted from the current White Lent, requiring all Euro-nations to erase themselves by importing unassimilable Aliens of Color.

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