Sunday, June 03, 2012

Multicultural sensitivity in the Cannibal Community

Ex Cathedra
has been somewhat focused on race issues of late. Lest anyone --Heaven forfend-- imagine that he be raciss rather than race-realist*, I point out that

1. not only does the occasional stoned naked Son of Obama eat the face off an unconscious homeless White guy in Florida or an African student in America eat his fellow-African student in America's heart and brain--hey, we all have bad days--

2. or an honor-impaired "Swedish" medical researcher --with the charming old Stockholmey name of Hojatallah Rabbani--consume his wife's lips for lunch,

3. or a post-sexual Nipponese freak cut off and serve his full male package for dinner to a half dozen paying gourmands. (This is, like, so derivative; another Axis power avantguardist did this years ago.)

4. but White people, quite "unsupervised" White people, as my ex T often says, can really up the ante when it comes to cannibal cuisine. A sociopathic White Canadian gay porn actor, according to his former tranny lover and via his own YouTube evidence, murdered, hacked up, fucked and ate (in that order) his Chinese gradstudent (is that a stereotype?) date, and then sent his foot to Canuckistan PM Steve Harper. *  [Now that's inclusive.]

4.  Hey, they don't call us The Master Race for nothin'. Know wh'I'm sayin'?

*Although for sheer imagination and elegance, it's hard to beat fictional Uber White Guy Anthony Hannibal Lecter Hopkins cooking and serving parts of Ray Liotta's own brain to him.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, and there's reports that the sociopathic white Canadian gay porn star made racist posts websites. ... Not difficult to imagine that we're supposed to prefer outer path rule by good cop Caliphate rather than by bad cop White Nationalists.

The good news is that global warming isn't a real danger. Because if it were, obviously science professors would cease taking aeroplane flights and would begin a campaign to eliminate aeroplane service altogether -- since a single aeroplane flight (especially the take-off) produces a greater carbon footprint than a year's average commute by automobile.

If global warming is even a quarter of the emergency envision'd by "serious climate science" no liberal celebrity or Canadian or Democrat or European would ever take a flight flight again. But recently Bill Clinton flew by aeroplane to the arctic in order to really see global warming devastation for himself with his own eyes as a concern'd global citizen who takes serious climate science seriously.

I even know of high school students in North America who take class trip aeroplane flights to central America in order to groove with and learn about rain forest ecology. As Nigel Tufnel would say, "Is this a joke?"

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