Saturday, March 31, 2012

Justice, Frisco Style

The newly elected sheriff of SF, a Mr Mirikarimi, is in trouble because he got into it with his wife and bruised her arm. He refuses to resign.

Two notable responses. Members of the "LGBT" community are giving him a lot of slack, because he has been very pro LGBT. Astonishing to read wymyn quoted in the local LGBT rag asserting that since his misbehavior was private and not a dereliction of official duty, he need not leave his job. Can you imagine if a Republican sheriff smacked his lady on the arm? RightWing War Against Women, Part 7. Whatever happened to "the personal is political"? Tribal allegiance rules.

Second, the local police chief justified his charging Mr Mirikarimi because it is part of his campaign "to end domestic violence." Note the language. End. Our lingo is so inflated that in order to show moral seriousness we must speak embarrassing impossibilities. ("No Child Left Behind".) I am unaware of any crime which has ever been ended, unless the law was changed to legalize it.


Anonymous said...

So now Ex Cathedra is endorsing the war on ending domestic violence?! ...

OreamnosAmericanus said...

Unusual for Anonymous: a complete and total misreading.

Anonymous said...


Leah said...

Ah wymyn - always putiing some faceless group above the individual.

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