Tuesday, September 06, 2011


I stumbled on a news story from 2008, via my FB buddy GF.

Short version, in Texas, a Muslim group bought some land to build a mosque. Next door to a pig farm. Which was already there. Then they told the pig farmer he should leave or at least move his pigs. He responded by holding pig races every Friday afternoon during their prayer services. I want to give him a decoration or build him a statue.

Two things: if people think that Fox News is reliably right wing, Sheperd Smith tells against that. His snotty presentation makes the whole thing a joke. Fox News is partially owned by a Saudi prince!

What makes this post NSFW? This:

the arrogant foreign Mohammedan bastard should take himself and his alien religion and go the fuck back to where he came from.
This is classic Muslim behavior: buy land next to a pig farm in America and then tell the native-born American to get out. Everything you need to know about the Religion of Peace is right there.

Imagine yourself in his shoes. Not funny.

As Kathy Shaidle says so often: Stop Muslim immigration to the West. Now.

I don't think it's funny at all.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be too surprised if they'd deliberately found a place next to a swinery, knowing it would give them something to raise a fuss about later.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be too surprised if they'd deliberately found a place next to a swinery, knowing it would give them something to raise a fuss about later.


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