Thursday, December 30, 2010

Oracle debacle

Note this cover from Time in April 1977. I used to read Time religiously for years, --my first attempt at a letter to the editor was published in Time when I was a teenager--until a chance remark from a colleague made me realize what a particular and narrow point of view it took, and with what incredible seriousness it took itself. It was the oracle of conventional wisdom.

Note not only the headline about the coming ice age...this was before The Revelation of Anthropogenic Global Warming...which also causes global cooling, by the way...but the sub-headline in the middle up top: Beyond Detente: Why We Can't Beat The Soviets.

I'm aching to know what were the 51 things I could have done to make a difference.

HT to Powerline.


Ed Darrell said...

Infallible? I dare you to find a copy of that cover in the archives of Time, for 1977.

Didn't happen like that.

It's a hoax, and you fell victim.

See here:

Ed Darrell said...

Infallible? I dare you to find a copy of that cover in the archives of Time, for 1977.

Didn't happen like that.

It's a hoax, and you fell victim.

See here:

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