Saturday, April 30, 2011

Why does this stuff get to me?

One of my FB friend's friends responded to some playthought about Mao's dictum that "women hold up half the sky" by adding this:
Perhaps men should hold up the sky so women could busy themselves in nurturing to health the violent world men have made.
The writer is a male, at least chromosomally.  Otherwise he has apparently turned in his balls...and his brains. He was not kidding. I did not want to embarrass my FB friend by responding in this way right there. But this kind of messianic feminism stuff is beyond stupid.

I looked on his home page. His pictures said a lot. Old hippy. Strangely androgynous. With a degree in religion. Mush for brains, with moral inflation as a side dish.


Anonymous said...

What surprises me is that guys can take up the feminist "critique" of us as violent, oppressive, etc, and then assert it -- and feminists don't call them on this absurdity.

If we are the violent gender, and we agree this is unjust (Hitler has a different valuation, presumably), we ought to fall silent, withdraw from all leadership including opinion leadership, and accept to be instructed by the social justice gender.

In the same way, 70s-liberal white males academics ought to have fallen silent and then gone to learn what to say from black professors, latino professors, et al. But this didn't happen so much as once. White males of this sort segued in continuity from standard liberal civilization-is-good lecturing and publicationing, to anti-westernism lecturing publicationing. One could gain absolution simply by uttering a 'critique.'

One day one is an imposer of pervasive systemic violence in the very way one speaks, thinks, evaluates, both by omission and commission; and the next day one is a struggler for liberation and justice -- and even a leading spokesperson (e.g. Matthew Fox) for women and minorities. Which seems to suggest that the will-to-power system culminating in white hetero males continues.

Obviously there's similar ambiguity in Christianity: we confess "there is no health in us" -- is this confession included in the lack of health? But in Christian doctrine this ambiguity is thematic.

Anonymous said...

... Still feel 100% doubtful that nonduality's will-to-power system can work, where Japheth white male supposedly has Canaanite glory-lessness. Don't come to me with Isaiah 53: the revelation of the suffering servant who manifests no beauty is not a matter-of-fact routine item: he bears real grief, real wounds, real sorrows, real afflictions, really smitten and stricken by God, etc. If not, then no healing for the 'sheep.' ... Matthew Fox does not affirm the evil agency that he inherits from Western white male as such: he makes a shallow confession of guilt or ongoing failure etc, while disowning the entirety of western civilization as a process that ought not to have been. This is not ad majorem Dei gloriam.

The boundaries, lines, distinctions etc by which world historia occur'd ought never to have been drawn, or at least ought never to have been drawn manifestly (which thus would have prevented historia from driving History).

... Nonduality's 'inclusive' white male is also not a 'tragic' figure. Not the "violence" and negations but the meanings in western history are rejected. In Nietzsche's terms: the ugly reality is accepted but the beautifying (tiferet, harmonia, affirmation of the coincidence of opposites) analogoi or ratios or correlations are rejected.

The ratio-utterers, the hierophants, are thereby freed from manifest implication in reality. Meaning and reality are separated in the seculum. ... Someone named Joseph Krutch apparently proposed that tragedy be reduced to a "document" sc an external description. For Hegel, the transition from mere minstrelsy, where the Hamitic minstrel disappears in the story he tells, to the Japhethic tragedy, where the story told is the story of the poet himself -- implicated.

Anonymous said...

Nonduality is a fail'd will-to-power Ego: reality is for "there" and meaning is for "here." But the meaningers are natura naturans, and the reality is thrown natura naturata (thrown by natura naturans). Leaving the natures unconnected is a failure in valuation, derelection. Wherefore when Islam isn't conquering, sc when itc conquests are complete, it decays. It has no value.

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