Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bell weather

Among US evangelicals, one Rob Bell has caused a storm by suggesting that Hell might one day be empty. In a related story:
Twenty-five percent of born-again Christians said all people are eventually saved or accepted by God. A similar proportion, 26 percent, said a person’s religion does not matter because all faiths teach the same lessons. And an even higher proportion, 40 percent, of born-again Christians said they believe Christians and Muslims worship the same God.
Boy, these people are confused about their own religion. If the whole fulcrum of this kind of stripped down Gospel is that "ye must be born again"...there really is very little room to wiggle.

IMHO, Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God. Even Christians and Mormons don't!
And if all faiths teach the same lessons, why are Buddhists not beheading people all the time? And most curiously, since Prots deny purgatory, does God "eventually" decide to save everybody?
What happens in the interim? Worshops? Volunteer service? Theological carbon credits?

One thing is true, though. In the words of American holy man Ron White, even if God can save everybody, he can't fix stupid.

1 comment:

Chairless said...

My religion is kindness which automatically 86's me from the Same-God Bandwagon. If that one God is the same God he sure has a flexible personality.
First he is crazy about the Jews, just crazy about them. They're the apple of his all-seeing eye.Next, the Jews are OK, just OK, but the great unwashed, that's where the action is. Then he spills his guts to Mohammed, and that same God, remember him, the one who was crazy about the Jews, has nothing good to say about them.

If you sat next to that guy on the bus, you'd switch seats.

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