Wednesday, April 27, 2011

No sympathy for this handsome devil

A fella on one of the personals websites has this to say:
 I often find it quite hard to get in the right mindset to create (music), but when I do there is almost no feeling like it.  I look forward to making more time in my life for that feeling!  Been spending more time with that lately.  You can check out my website or YouTube for some of my stuff.  Slowly putting myself out there as I get more confident and comfortable with myself through the aging process..
Aaaand here is the aging old piker.

who is...30.


Larkin said...
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Larkin said...

Wow... Yeah, that guy is a little too sensitive about the "aging process." Then again there is this sense among gay guys that 30 is old. I've typically dated older guys so I don't understand the stigma, but I know my man is a little uncomfortable with being in his 30s (even though he's tall, muscular, handsome and so forth) and some of my young friends wouldn't date anyone over 30. I even have a friend who claims to be 25 on his online profiles because people hooking up have a stigma - even for that 1 hour event - about guys over 30.

It's so strange to me.

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