Monday, October 24, 2011


The Vatican wants a World Bank.

The proposal came from the "Justice and Peace" office, with the usual bloviating language.

Shut up.


Anonymous said...

to be endow'd with power:

»The Vatican called for the establishment of "a supranational authority" with worldwide scope and "universal jurisdiction" to guide economic policies and decisions.

»Such an authority should start with the United Nations as its reference point but later become independent and be endowed with the power to see to it that developed countries were not allowed to wield "excessive power over the weaker countries".«

Anonymous said...

»world economics** need[s] an "ethic of solidarity" among rich and poor nations.«

Islam brings a suppression of any religio-political rich and poor, "noble" and "base" -- no "slave revolt in morals" from the Bible.

At the same time "world economics" sc oikoumene oikoumene, permits a convenient doubleness.

Anonymous said...

»this transformation will be made at the cost of a gradual, balanced transfer of a part of each nation's powers to a world authority and to regional authorities, but this is necessary at a time when the dynamism of human society and the economy and the progress of technology are transcending borders, which are in fact already very eroded in a globalised world.«
»The document acknowledged that such change would take years to put into place and was bound to encounter resistance.«

And Christian authorities must command not resisting this global caliphate because as Jesus said, Resist not evil.

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