Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Natural born fascists

Worthless Brit TV interviewer Piers Morgan asks very American Ann Coulter if the Tea Party are like the followers of Hitler or Mussolini. She politely hands him his sorry ass.

One of the new things I have realized recently. For liberals, white people are naturally and inherently fascist racists. The Civil Rights Movement taught us that that is our natural condition. And only regulation by the Federal government (and membership in the Democrat party and multiculturalism) prevents us from acting out our dastardly evil nature. Hence, if a group of mostly white people want the government to leave them alone, it is because they want to return to their KKK ways.

Just ask the headess of the Democratic National Committee. (And its people like her who provoke my anti-Semitism. And for damn good reason.)

So his question is, prima facie, ridiculous. How can a group that wants less government control fascist, when the essence of fascism (and its totalitarian sibling, communism) is massive government control? But if the only thing keeping the good people (people of color and liberal whites) from being ruled by the KKK is government control, then white people who want to be freer are indeed supporters of fascism. It's like a rabid dog wanting off of his leash.

As Kenneth Minogue notes in The Pure Theory of Ideology, according to the True Believers of our current Enlightenment,
Left to themselves, the people of the actual world we live in will generate, ideologists all believe, nothing but structures of domination.

That is the image of white Americans in the liberal psyche.

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