Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Go figure

About a month ago, I did something to my right knee. Stretched it too much, or rode the bike too fast...don't know. But it was off. As I have grown older, I realize that while muscles retain their capacity to heal and grow, once a joint gets injured... So I stopped working legs at the gym, and watched carefully how I walked, what shoes I wore, etc. I felt it was well enough to risk hiking yesterday.

The hike was listed as "moderate". But it was high moderate. Lots of climbing. Not necessarily short and steep, but what's tougher, long and often constantly upward. And of course downward for two miles has its own stressors: slippage, etc. I was real careful.

And to my surprise today, my leg is...fine. Even better than it was a week ago.

I hesitate to say this, for fear of offending the Patella Archons, but there it is.

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