Monday, February 12, 2007


The lying mantra "Bush Lied. People Died." supposedly unmasks the deceit behind our invasion of Iraq: there were no Weapons of Mass our soldiers and many Iraqis have died for no reason.

Suppose...that we had found significant caches of WMD's: chemical, biological, nuclear, whatever.

Would that have prevented the Sunni or Baathist insurgencies, the Shia-Sunni war? Given our Rules of Engagement...would the current situation be any different had we removed the weapons that effing everyone believed were there?

Would the removal of those weapons have caused the MSM and the Democrats to stand behind the President and the troops over the last years, rather than giving functional aid and comfort to the enemy, even as the insurgencies/civil war broke out?

Would finding WMD's have made any difference? You can guess my answer.

PS...Re "Who Would Jesus Bomb"...these stickers are almost invariably on the cars of people whose other stickers made it very likely that they would be the first in line to scream bloody murder at the tiniest inkling of proximity between Church and State...but they expect us to take advice on foreign policy and military strategy from the Man of Nazareth....but not, apparently, on marriage, adultery, divorce, etc....where he was just a little bit rigid?

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