Saturday, February 01, 2014

I wonder

Why are Nazis worse than Communists?

Why is Adolf Hitler the epitome of Evil Itself, rather than the choir of Marxist murderers ranging from Lenin to Stalin to Mao to Pol Pot and even Che?

Why is a highly localized ideology that lasted for no more than 12 years so much worse than a globally metasticized one that lasted for 70+ years?

Why can an academic call him/herself a Marxist and suffer nothing, even be seen as brave, edgy and ethical, but can have a career ended by someone else considering him/her a Nazi?



Anonymous said...

Academia is infested with Marxist-Leninists. It's a no-brainer. The university system is in desperate need of purging. Too bad it's unlikely to happen.


Anonymous said...

Partial reason: the Nazis lost and our anti-fascist allies won. Winners are good, might makes right, God is on the victorious side, etc. The oldest of monkey thoughts given new forms.

Bishop of Portland

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