Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bevelling the edges

Essay explains Mormon teaching on ‘becoming like God’ | The Salt Lake Tribune:

Every time the LDS try to wriggle out of one of their historically clearly-held but now-embarrassing doctrines or practices --plural marriage, Blacks excluded from priesthood, non-Mormon Christians as apostates of the devil, exaltation to godhood, polytheism, and, it now appears, Joseph Smith's unique and astounding King Follett Sermon-- they move closer to the realm of Protestant boredom.

As the pathetic state of mainstream Christianity shows, trying to please your "cultured despisers" is the road to oblivion.

'via Blog this'


Anonymous said...

Watching the progress of things, I'm wondering if Christianity will become a Black/Latino religion, and if White will embrace neopaganism or agnosticism.

Asatruar don't make apologies for the human sacrifices of the Viking Era. They just say, "It was a different time," and move on. Besides, the Vikings didn't practice human sacrifice on anything nearly resembling the industrial scale of the Aztecs. Nine men once every nine years to save Midgard from destruction. And the sacrifices were voluntary. Christian martyrdom doesn't sound so different to me.


OreamnosAmericanus said...

The Christian churches --Orthdoxy excepted-- are now pretty well all on the side of the Third Worlders and are functional, if not conscious, anti-White institutions.

Unknown said...

Atheists/agnostics already complain that they're about as White as the Quakers and Unitarians; they also complain that they're "too male" (unlike the Quakers and Unitarians, who are over 55% female with majority female clergy). Apparently people are claiming that not enough has been done to do "outreach". Hard to see Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson and Sharpton being thrilled with the prospect of their "flocks" being taken over by atheists, unless they're still allowed to call themselves "cultural xtians" and remain reliable voters.

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