Monday, June 28, 2010

The Gospel of Nice

On Facebook, some self-identified Christian women, clearly of a liberal persuasion, were horrified  and "angered" that the controversial National Day of Prayer, sponsored by Focus on the Family, rejected the participation of a Hindu group. The lamenters held that such rigid and narrow-minded bigotry by people who, though "odious", called themselves Christians...well. Harrumph.

I restrained myself from commenting on FB. These are folks I mostly don't know.

For too many people, Christian should just mean "nice".Talk about an unhinged opinion.

What these girls seem oblivious to is that Christianity...from Jesus to Paul to the whole New Testament and on to the Church...has a primary concern with something called "truth". It's an obsession they got from the other Jews. In our PoMo culture, "truth", though no less fiercely believed in and upheld by the moderns, is considered rather disreputable. Sounds arrogant and exclusive. And as we know, claiming to be better or smarter is a cardinal sin. And that's the truth.

The local MCC church, a formerly Christian denomination that now worships Queer Spirituality, has a sign out front: Diverse Doctrines, Shared Values. Well, what this means is that the doctrines of Progressivism, under the name of "shared values" are the orthodoxy of the group. Supporting gay marriage is prescribed; the divinity of Christ is up for discussion.

Now I am no fan of Focus on the Family. But they are, by and large, serious Christians of an orthodox kind. Consequently, praying with pagans would tend to slow them up, as it would slow up Christians for the last 2000 years. Somehow if representatives of the South African Reformed Church of 1960 vintage showed up to take part, these ladies might balk. Praying with them would appear to be condoning apartheid. But somehow appearing to condone Shiva and Krishna and Vishnu and Kali, etc. is no big deal. Resisting that is bigoted and hateful?

These dames are confused. They have their own dogmatic truths but they don't like to admit it. So when someone else acts clearly on a dogmatic truth, without apology, they get all judgmental...but didn't Jesus say, Judge not lest ye be judged?

Hmmm. Confusing, this religion stuff.

1 comment:

PNWReader said...

Okay, so my first thought was, hey, that looks like what I imagine Sarah Palin's mom must look like on her uber-grandmotherly days. WRT "Christian" ladies, I've never found them susceptible to reason (what is that line from "As Good As It Gets"?) and generally resort to snarkiness: I'll just pray that you recognize the heresy of your syncretism before you wind up in hell for it.

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