Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cuckoo in the nest

In case you didn't know, cuckoos have what amounts to a parasitical childrearing strategy. They lay their eggs in the nest of another species of bird whose eggs are like theirs. The cuckoo egg hatches early and the cuckoo instinctively pushes the natural eggs out of the nest. The tricked can see the origin of the phrase "bird brain" here...respond to the calls and open mouth of the cuckoo and with mindless parental instinct, work to feed it until it leaves the nest. The cuckoos don't have to feed or protect their own. In effect, these other stupid birds raise their own offspring's murderer for the next generation.

As part of another story, I read today that a Muslim student at Trinity (!) University in San Antonio, a college run by the Presbyterian Church, petitioned to have the words "Year of our Lord" removed from the diplomas. It offended his Muslim calendar. Amazingly, the school declined play the dhimmi in order to accomodate him.

You can imagine what kind of feelings arise in this Western fundamentalist at that kind of arrogance. A Muslim enrolls in a Christian school and then wants the Christians to erase themselves before him? It's perfectly coherent Islam, by the way, and perfectly malignant and dangerous.

In New Haven, Connecticut, however, the school board is removing that language. This time it was a Jewish woman who protested and they folded, saying that they "did not want to offend anybody." Well, too late, they've offended me.

Bit by bit, people who are alien to this country now feel they can peel away its distinctiveness so that they can not be "offended". The recent outrage which sent American kids with US flags home packing on May 5th lest they offend the Mexicans is another example. What these cuckoos are actually saying to the country and its traditions and identity is, "Your existence --which has afforded me mine-- offends me. Disappear."

As Francis Fukuyama wrote, a country which chooses to embrace multiculturalism actually announces that it has no culture of its own. That it is no one and nothing. It's only reason to exist is to anxiously avoid offending people who hate it. And a country like that has not long to live because there's nothing there to protect or defend or celebrate or pass on.

PS. One of the folks on Facebook keeps track of how "LGBT" issues are going in Turkey. The queers there have a lot of trouble and the state, with the backing of the people, is not interesting in extending rights to them. It occurred to me --one of the many horrible thoughts you have to endure once you realize that you are a conservative--that the Turks have good reason not to provide legal protects for the LGBT crowd. Why?
Well if they look at the progress of the issue in the West, where it started out as a plea to be left alone and has wound up pressing to alter the institution of marriage to accomodate them --all in a single lifetime. First one step, then another, then another...What message does that send to a place like Turkey? Wouldn't it be wiser for them to just kill the issue in its infancy? Because too often minorities never know when to say enough.

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