Tuesday, May 04, 2010

A little misogyny

A scene on TV between a guy and his girlfriend. She comes out of the bathroom with clenched fists and moderate shrieking. "How many times have I told you to put the seat down?"

So. Since girls do all their bathroom things sitting, they don't want to have to touch the seat to make it go down. (Because of what lethal danger?)

And since boys do one of their bathroom things standing, if the seat is down, they are supposed to touch it to make it go up.

And this is fair, how?

(Of course it's not fair. It's not supposed to be. It's supposed to make sure males are properly subserviant.)

If I were straight and a woman talked to me like that, before I left her for good I would be very tempted to give her the back of my hand and then go and pee all over the seat.


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