Friday, May 07, 2010

Caring and sharing

Got my first hate-comment in a really long time. So of course I want to share it. My post Irked by Urkel was about my being pissed off that President Barry Hussein O was opining about how much money people should make. I don't recall the Constitution enumerating that among his magical powers.

Anyhow, yesterday this arrived:
Anonymous said... Unless you're making several hundred of thousands a year, you're a total dipshit. The people who piss me off the most aren't the reactionary racist "Tea Party" folk, it's goddamn turncoats like you. You're a faggot and a Mexican and yet you don't realize that the people you do side with would crush you like the filthy bug they perceive you to be. Fight for progress not for them.
The first thing I noticed was that the spelling, grammar and punctuation are all excellent. Makes me have hope for our country. Well, at least for the editors in our country.

What puzzled me, though, was his assumption that I am Mexican*. Can't figure that one out.
White as white can be is me: French-Scandinavian-Irish genes, with the freckles and sunburn to prove it. My black ex used to call me "melanin deprived".

And as for his final plea, one man's progress is another man's catastrophe.

Well, here I am, Total Dipshit and Goddam Turncoat Faggot and extremely non-Mexican,
Ex Cathedra,
signing off.

*Mr. Freeze figured that one out. I did a post recently in which I proposed a highly ethnocentric, restrictive and authoritarian immigration policy for the USA and then pointed out that it was actually Mexico's law. Do a little research on how Mexico treats Guatemalans trying to cross illegally into their country.


Anonymous said...

"What do you want? Good grammar or good hate mail?" I guess if one is lucky, one cahn have both! ... Is thumos more life-enspicing or life-animating than eros? (Or does that question reduce to "Is thumos the ultimate eros-animator?")
P.S. Maybe "Mexican" means militant, war-loving. (Mexico is named for a war god, I recall.)

Mr. Freeze said...

I think they might have just skimmed over your posts, mistaking the one about Mexico's immigration laws, and your agreement with/suggestion the USA's implementation of them for an admission of actually being Mexican.

People need to read the fine print.

OreamnosAmericanus said...

I think you've got it figured out, Mr Freeze.

Mr. Freeze said...


Lotta good it does me ... ;)

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