Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The REAL wrath of God

Or why I just don't get Reformed Christianity.

In my wanderings yesterday, the ones that led me to the grim and radicallove feminist and the veganettes of color, I stopped off on a blog by a man of Reformed theological conviction. A lot of these guys really do have conviction. Anyway, he expressed breathless affection for...John Calvin.

This man described his conversion. He had been raised a Methodist and professed never to have heard the Gospel. But he read St Paul one night, about the foolishness of God and the foolishness of the world, and came to the conclusion that not only did God hate the worst things about him, but God hated the best things about him.

I guess this is what the Prots mean by "total depravity".

And why the Reformation never found much traction in Italy.

I kinda have Calvinist ancestry. On my mother's side, her dad came from Scandinavian Lutherans who were originally French Calvinists who fled to Denmark, the Huguenots.

My chief reason for liking Protestantism is that only Protestants...few of whom were of the grimly Calvinist persuasion of the above-mentioned fella...could have created America.

Anyway, I had a bad day today and feel the wrath of God on me. But my atavistic Catholicism figures that He still likes the best things about me, even when I can't remember what they are. On a good day, even I do.


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