Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pope Obama

Hans Kung (if you don't know who he is, don't worry and don't bother finding out) has announced that he wishes Obama were Pope. Cause the Pope is so uncool and Obama is so cool. Basically, that's it. Mr. Kung, even at 81, still thinks it's 1968.

After lamenting the Pope's unwillingness to cave in to every fashion of the cultured despisers of Catholicism, Kung issues a call to action, asking for

First an episcopate which does not conceal the manifest problems of the church but mentions them openly and tackles them energetically at a diocesan level;

Secondly theologians who collaborate actively in a future vision of our church and are not afraid to speak and write the truth;

Thirdly pastors who oppose the excessive burdens constantly imposed by the merging of many parishes and who boldly take responsibility as pastors;

Fourthly in particular women, without whom in many places parishes would collapse, who confidently make use of the possibilities of their influence.

But can we really do this? Yes we can.

Like Obama, Kung is man of mere rhetoric. I mean, what the hell does that all mean? Air. BS.


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